Keep It Fresh Deliver with Ease

Unlock the Power of Cold Chain Logistics for
Your Business. Treelogs offers cutting-edge cold storage
warehouses. Effortlessly store and deliver Fresh goods.


Successful Deliveries


Happy Customers


Operating Countries

Unlock Your Advantage

Start sharing space with other customers on the same delivery fleet. Reduce carbon, reduce price, and increase convenience!

You are,

A Supplier delivering to restaurants or supermarkets?

You own a food related e-commerce?

You own a central kitchen and deliver to outlets?

Or you just need delivery between your warehouses?

We Transport.....

Fruits & Vegetables




Logistics has always been an headache for SME […] Now, i can turn my attention to building my company sales and leave the delivery part to the professional team at Treelogs!

The decision to outsource our delivery has to be one of the best decision we have made in the year!”

at DayPlus Food

Ready to transform your business?

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